Thursday, August 16, 2018

Starting the Healing Process

This is a brand new blog to document the process of healing myself with spinning, knitting, and writing. Maybe just for me. Who knows?

I find myself wanting to spend my time watching spinning videos, weaving videos, knitting videos, or reading books about spinning,weaving, or knitting, or actually spinning, weaving, or knitting, if I could, rather than doing the work I need to do. Actually, that's a positive change, because I've been spending way too much time on Twitter, Facebook, and reading the news online, obsessed with the destructive politics that are going on at the national level.

I wish I could find some of my spindles and colored fiber. Unfortunately, I think it's packed away in a box full of project bags. I do have my traditional spinning wheel and some white Coopworth and Dorset fiber that I could spin. I also have my multi colored lace shawl that I'm designing on the needles and knitting for myself. Finally! So perhaps I need to start spinning and knitting. It will de-stress me and relax me, I know, and help with healing. 

Also, Kelly, my physical therapist, wanted me to start knitting and spinning again to work on my shoulder and arm months ago, and I didn't because I didn't want to get anything out to add to the chaos of the barely unpacked house.

Unfortunately, I am just swamped with all of these deadlines right now, and I need to get through them and get out of them. I keep telling myself I'll just wait until I'm finished. I've been telling myself that for months now, while I have been struggling with physical therapy for the shattered right shoulder and the injured back and deadline after deadline, but finished still hasn't come. I think my brain has decided that it just has to make time for some of this de-stressing activity with my fibers.

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